Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Feeling very heavy!

Today, I just felt very heavy within. Don't know why.

Early in the morning, after reaching office, I thought I could just feel better, especially when I was having breakfast with my colleagues. Then came the briefing for the company's day. After the briefing, suddenly my stomach was very painful. Needless to say, I went to toilet.

When I was back to the office, I couldn't help but kept having this heaviness in me. Now the heaviness is still here and my heart seems to feel a bit of pain. Maybe it's because of money issues. Maybe it's because of one case which I am cracking my head on how to help the elderly. Whatever it is, I felt very tired, very heavy in spirit and very sad.

Lord, please grant me the strength that I need. I need You to accompany me in my walk on this earth. There are many times when I rebel and I do not heed Your advice. I am facing the consequences now. I need Your grace to pull me through. Help me to have good financial planning and execution. Even for that friend who still owes me money till today, I pray that You will convict in his heart to return my hard-earned money back. I pray that by Your grace, I will be able to clear all debts, loans and expenses each month without difficulty. I pray that the debts and loans will be cleared by the end of this year. Lord, let there be a miracle in my finances and in Terence's business. Let there be a revival of business into the things that You want him to sell. I pray that You will help him to make the right choices in his business and private life. In all that we do and say, may our lives reflect Christ in us. Also, I pray that he will have the money to pay back the loan. IN Jesus' name I commit these to, Amen. All Glory Be To God!

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