Friday, November 21, 2008

My crafts

When I was looking through my things, I suddenly realized how many crafts that I had done. Well, I had done cross stitching so much that I was left with so many. I am thinking of giving them away as Christmas gifts, but not sure whether anyone will appreciate it or will criticise it because of my shobby works. So before I do so, here are some of the finished works. Some of the works are not done properly because I was learning then. But as I get to do more, the skills improve. And I am proud to say that I manage to teach the elderly to do cross stitch. Can't wait to see their end products.

Then I move on crochet. To tell you the truth, doing crochet was alot more difficult than I think. As I have not been doing crochet for a while, I find that I cannot remember how to do some simple steps. When I decided to teach the elderly on crochet, I suddenly could not remember how to do a simple worm bookmark. So I quickly searched through the internet. Thank God for the information on the internet. Not only did I find the correct way of doing it, I also found how to end the crochet neatly and was able to show with the elderly.

My latest craft that I did was to do a simple box using plastic canvas. Actually, I just did it today and managed to finish it. Though this is my first try in doing this, I think the end product looks alright to me. I hope that I can teach the elderly to do this so that if they are able to finish this product, then I can teach them to do a bag. High ambitions! God, please give me more brain juices and creativity and help me to find cheap materials.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Feeling helpless!

This evening, I suddenly felt very helpless. I have only 2 weeks left to handle the items to be purchased for the Combined Christmas celebration. Yet, it seemed that everything seemed to be on the stand. I need volunteers but so far only 4 volunteers can confirm their availability. I need money to purchase the items for this event, but I am cash-tight. I really don't know what to do.

I remember what Pastor Wilson shared this morning. In times of doing things, especially during difficult moments at work, do we see Jesus in there? Lord, I need thee to guide me how to handle this event. I need thee to teach me how to prioritise my work and my finances. I need thee every moment to guide me and lead me in the right direction. Teach me Your ways Lord. Let me be a blessing to the people around me. Let me not burst my anger when things don't go my way. But grant me the serenity and guidance and wisdom. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Friday, November 14, 2008

My first Singapore Flyer Outing

On Thursday, our elderly in LKCC finally went to Singapore Flyer. It was supposed to be a happy outing until something unpleasant happened.

Well, what happened was the driver who was picking us at LKCC was very unco-operative. When I met him to let him know that the elderly would be alighting the bus soon, he said in a very rude tone to quicken the pace as the place had a very narrow 2-way road. Then when all the elderly and volunteers went to the bus, he commented that there were so many people, if anything happened, insurance could not pay etc... While he was grumbling at us, we were discussing on whether our driver volunteer should drive some elderly instead. Finally, we decided to and I checked with my colleague about this. While she was choosing the elderly, the driver kept looking very impatiently. Then after the selected elderly had gone to the van to sit, my colleague was still doing a count. This was when the driver kept chasing us to be fast. Not only that, my colleague did not inform one of the group leader that there was a replacement. So, there were some confusion going. Finally, the situation got into me and I asked my colleague whether she would be taking the bus or the van and I kept chasing her to get on the bus after that. This was the first horrible thing that happened.

When we reached SF, another horrible thing happened. This had never happened in any of the outings I had with the elderly. There were some elderly still in the bus, waiting to be alighted and one elderly was just about to alight to the pavement when the driver suddenly drove. We shouted for him to stop and some of the volunteers who were in front overheard him saying that we were so slow. What did he expect? Elderly leh, not normal young gals. Thank God no one was injuried.

The third horrible thing that happened was when we were counting the group members, suddenly one volunteer told us that she had not registered or paid for this trip. I was so shocked how she could manage to join us in this trip when all moved according to their groups allocated. Thank God there were some elderly who did not turn up or else I would have to ask her to take taxi to go home.

Though there were hiccups in this trip, I was glad to hear that the elderly enjoyed it. I actually felt quite bad when I thought of how I mishandled the situation when the first horrible thing happened early in the morning. I let the situation control me instead of the other way round.

God, please help me to change. Don't let me be controlled by the situation around me anymore but let me learn to control the situation. I pray for Your strength and wisdom to be mine during such times. Let me know how to handle this kind of situation in the future. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Personal glory vs God's glory

This weekend, I have been thinking through what one of mentors had told me regarding one of our gathering. Whatever we do, we must do it for God's glory. However, some people had been doing things to glorify themselves. For example, some people give money to charitable organizations so that they can show to the world that they are being kind to the underprivileged. Some give money to their spouses so that they can look good in front of their congregation. What a pity! Are looks more precious than our hearts?

God looks into our hearts. Nothing can escape from Him. At times, I tried to bargain with God. But I know that I lose. Nothing can hide from Him. I can deceive the whole world but not Him. When other people criticize us that we do not give to the church or the underprivileged, God knows our exact situation. He does not judge us like what the world judges us. If we give and do things to take note of what others are looking at us, we are a loser. And a terrible one.

As I remembered the scene about Money No Enough 2 where the mother was pulling through, the daughter-in-law and the sons were tugging the bag of blood meant for the mother. What is important in one person's eyes may be secondary to another person's eyes. When we are at our desperate ends, do you think God looks at our giving more than our hearts? Doing things that others will approve of us is more important or doing God's work is more important? I believe with all my heart that God looks more at our hearts. No matter what we have done wrongly previously, He still loves us and He understands what we go through. In God have I put my trust, I will not be afraid. To God be the Glory!