Wednesday, April 15, 2009

How stupid can I be?

Yesterday, there was a big warning sms sent to me regarding someone who needed to borrow money from anyone he could find. At first, I thought it was an elderly beneficiary but then that person who sent the sms told me it was a volunteer.

After much thinking, I found out who that person who was borrowing from others. I had in fact lent him money last month, using cash advance. Yah, stupid right? I thought since he could do so well in his career, paying that sum of money should not be a problem. But that proved me wrong today.

I found out from some other people that this person had been borrowing money from several people and one of them happened to be someone I know. When it was time to repay the loan, the money never came. I became frightened. Somehow, there was a feeling that I would never be able to get back this amount and repay the advances. I shared this with my colleague. At first, she also wanted to help him out but somehow, something just stopped her. Thank God that she did not lend the money, else she may have cash flow problem for her wedding preparation.

Today, when I talked to one person, she told me that I should not have done so easily. The amount was quite huge and I would never be able to see that amount back from this person. I feel sad but since I have already given out the money, I have to treat this as a lesson learnt. Now, I just pray that this person will pay me the monthly subscription fee.

Lord, I pray that You will give me the money to pay off the debts I have created. I am too softhearted and easily believed in friends. Let me learn from this experience and not fall into this anymore. I pray for Your divine provision. I don't know how I am going to clear the debts, but I pray that You will let me win the RD's cash draw of $200,000 so that I can use this amount of money to pay off bro's debts, bills and my debts and bills. I pray that after clearing the debts, there will not be any more debts to pay. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

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