Monday, May 18, 2009

The more educated a person is, the more unreasonable he is!

Ya, that's is my topic for today. I have been keeping this for some time. It's time to burst it out.

Recently, I came across two extreme groups of people: uneducated and educated. To the educated, everything is a 'should be, must get' thing. To the uneducated, as long as it is reasonable and not over-board, it is 'ok, no problem'.

One incident occurred recently. I was asked to organize something not related to work or company. Well, to the uneducated, when I told them that the expenses would have to be borne by their own, they readily said, 'no problem'. To the educated, when I told them this, one of them exclaimed to my disbelief that it should be borne partly by our company. Hey, this is something personal, not a company function. Moreover, our company is a voluntary welfare organization. Each and every penny spent must be accountable for. Even in other companies, some spent must be justifiable. I really couldn't believe myself explaining to this person. What's worse is that this person kept insisting on the value of volunteers???!!!!???? To the other extreme, there is another group of educated people who do not have problem paying. In fact, one of them even offered to pay on behalf of my colleague and I. Of course, I rejected. Like I said, this is a personal gathering.

Then in another incident, one person who is educated and used to hold high position in certain company but now retired, insisted that things must be done the way he wants. What nonsense! Each person has his own way of doing things. By asking the person to follow strictly on your way of doing things is really asking the person to be a robot. For goodness' sake, why this person cannot think it this way?????

So my conclusion is: the more educated a person is, the more unreasonable he is. Of course not every one is like that. But the MAJORITY is lor, or at least the ones that I came across. It really gets on my nerves man. Thank God my friends are all seow people. If not, I die while being alive on earth.

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