Sunday, March 08, 2009

Spiritual Warfares

In the past week, there have been news on 3 men who were actively playing violent games. Some readers felt that by playing violent games, it would not make a person violent. Well, I like to somewhat agree to that but at the same time feel that these kind of games expose one to something more scary.

Many people may have heard of games like World of Warcraft, Dungeons and Dragons and feel that these games are just games. They do not make a person violent or agressive. However, these games open oneself to spiritual forces too great for them to bear. I remember seeing one documentary on these games and there are people being interviewed. These people are either the players themselves or their relatives. At first, they are like many people who feel that these are just games, nothing much. Nothing to worry about. However, as they proceed to higher levels in the games, they find themselves unable to control their minds. They tend to see things and some of them even committed suicide because of the things that are controlling their minds. It becomes so scary that some of the relatives interviewed say that they are losing their loved ones. If these games are just games, why are people so scared? Why are they so stupid as committing suicide?

I believe that games are good. They give the creators of such games a platform to express their creativity. However, when it is being misused, it can invite many evil things to happen. Just like God gives us the option of choice. We can choose to do good or to do evil. It's our freedom. However, once we misuse those freedom, we have to take responsiblity. No one can help us. We must face the music on our own. I just pray that those who think that these games are just games will re-think whether there are evil forces working in those games that can entice them to do evil. Satan is not stupid. For him to work into our lives are very simple. He just have to make use of our minds and do a little trick, and there, we will lose ourselves. That is why it is so important to fill our minds with God-given things and spiritual verses. Lord, please help those who are obsessed with violent games thinking that they are just games. I pray for spiritual awakening and spiritual revival to happen. Let them see what You see. Help them to get out of the situations. Let those who are contemplating these games, drop off those thoughts. Let them never play these games. In Jesus' name I commit them to, Amen.

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