Friday, January 09, 2009

Where should I turn Lord?

I have thinking about my tasks in life and what I have gone through and what I will be going through since the beginning of December.

Life has been great by God's grace. I was able to face an audience without trembling or having butterflies in my stomach. I was even able to come up with programs to excite the elderly and conquer the fear of doing crafts. In fact, it is very encouraging when the elderly see the final product that they make and exclaim what a beautiful thing they have done.

Apart from this, finances seem to be on the downturn. Every though I try to handle and plan the finances to be spent in the most correct possible way I can think of, I still owe much money. My credit bills keep increasing and I am unable to pay them. What's worse is that I have taken another credit advance for payment of another credit card bill.

In the midst of all these, I went to work part time as property agent. I begin calling clients who may be interested in refinancing their loans since this is the hot topic now. At first, it was met with much disappointment. But I managed to put through. Today is already the third day. I believe I can convince some owners to consider this scheme and agree to meet bankers and close the deal. I AM DESPARATE FOR MONEY! Iwant to earn money in the legal way. There is a lot of hard work but I am willing to do the extra.

However, the next question that comes is whether I should do full time instead of just part time. Though now I have not earned my first pay cheque there, I believe that by this month, I will be able to get some money through this scheme. Lord, I really need Your help. PLEASE GIVE ME $3,000 TO PAY MY LOANS, BILLS, DEBTS, EXPENSES AND STILL HAVE MONEY TO SAVE FOR RAINY DAYS BY THIS MONTH. I boldly ask this in Jesus' name. With my own strength, a lot of things cannot be done. But with Your help, I believe I can do much more. Please show me whether I should go full time to this area. Lord, I want to hear Your voice in this. Let me know the direction I should go.

I commit all these to You in Jesus' name, Amen.

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