Sunday, June 21, 2009


Recently, I have been facing with the word 'Death'. What is death? What is it like to be dead?

Until today, God seems to be telling me this. In Deut 29:29, it says that the secret things belong to the Lord. Death is a secret thing to me. No one alive knows what death really is. No one who has passed on able to come back to life and tell us what death is all about. There may be those who claimed that they have passed on and come back to life and tell us things, very incredible things. However, how true are they?

In Deut 29:29, it does not just stay there. God continues to say that but those things which are revealed belong to us. Indeed, how true this is! God tells us that some day we will leave our mortal bodies and go back to our glorious home. When this day will be no one knows. Thus, we must live life to the fullest.

Lord, I want to live my life with You and to fufil what You want me to do. I want to do only things which You want me to and to go to the direction where Your Spirit leads me to. Because You said in Your Word, where Your Spirit is, there will be peace. Lord, teach me to be teachable and to learn from life's lessons so that I will not fall into the same tricks and traps anymore. I pray for more guidance and wisdom from You in Jesus' name.

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