Sunday, September 06, 2009

What should I do Lord?

Yesterday night, something happened at home which I had witnessed and somehow that transformed to something fearful in my heart.

When I was having dinner at home the night before, dad came back as a drunkard man. He shouted vulgarities and began to scold mom for nothing. At the same time, mom shouted back at him. Then came a point when dad used his towel and hit mom. Mom was totally shock and suffered pain in her head. Thank God she was ok. Seeing the anger in dad's eyes was quite frightening. It was evil in his eyes that got me to ask mom to go with brother and I to cell.

While journey to cell, mom told brother that dad had hit her. Brother was sad and cried. Mom too. What we don't understand was why this thing happened. Why the change in his attitude? At cell, I was unable to really concentrate. What's worse was that the kids in the cell were tremendously noisy. Jen and I had to literally shout and be patient simultaneously. Then when we reached home, the episode subsided. I thought that everything would be back to normal today. I rebuke in Jesus' name all the curses that dad hurled at mom.

However, yesterday, when I was having dinner with my SAW, AL, MX and CS, I received an sms from brother to say that dad was drunk again. This time round, he made a din at our left side neighbour's house by wanting to hit them. Police was called in but mom could not figure what happened too as she was at the kitchen at that moment. Brother came back early because of that. He also could not understand why this thing had happened. After the episode, dad went to drink further. When he returned home just minutes ago, he wanted to use the stick which he had gotten somehow just now to hit the neighbour again.

I really don't know why this thing happened. Lord, I need You to tell me what happened and why this thing happened. By knowing it, though I may not have the answer or power to prevent it, but I rebuke in Jesus' name all the curses that we had to bear. I pray for Your protection to be upon dad that he would stop drinking totally. Let his life be one of serving and focusing on You. I pray that You would break all generational curses that are present in his life right now. Let peace be restored to this family once again. I pray that alcohol will cause such a unbearable smell and taste that dad would not want to touch it anymore. I pray for all of those so-called friends that he had be removed from his life. Let his life be filled with God-fearing people. Lord, let him be more sensible and not waste his life and money away. All these I pray in Jesus' name, Amen.

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