This evening, I suddenly felt very helpless. I have only 2 weeks left to handle the items to be purchased for the Combined Christmas celebration. Yet, it seemed that everything seemed to be on the stand. I need volunteers but so far only 4 volunteers can confirm their availability. I need money to purchase the items for this event, but I am cash-tight. I really don't know what to do.
I remember what Pastor Wilson shared this morning. In times of doing things, especially during difficult moments at work, do we see Jesus in there? Lord, I need thee to guide me how to handle this event. I need thee to teach me how to prioritise my work and my finances. I need thee every moment to guide me and lead me in the right direction. Teach me Your ways Lord. Let me be a blessing to the people around me. Let me not burst my anger when things don't go my way. But grant me the serenity and guidance and wisdom. In Jesus' name, Amen.
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